The University of Sheffield
Department of Computer Science

Priya Ramachandran MSc Dissertation 2005/06

"Computer Aided Learning and Web Based Assessment"

Supervised by Dr SD North


The current project aims to develop further an existing educational web based tutorial, the Brayton Cycle, the standard engineering model describing the operation of jet turbine engines. The main objective of the project is to investigate, specify and develop a system that would provide an interface for the lecturers to enter any sequenced engineering problems without requiring an expert help and present the same to the students as online tutorials. In addition it is essential for the system to keep track of the scores obtained by the students that would give a feedback to the lecturers to enable them to re teach few difficult areas of the tutorial. Analysis of the requirements and evaluation of suitable robust architectures are made for implementing the application and the Model-2 MVC architecture, MySQL database software and Tomcat web server is being used. One of the software development methodologies, waterfall method combined with iterative approach has been adopted to meet the set objectives. Every stage in the process of the development of the application has been broadly discussed. Finally, the project has been evaluated and further work has been suggested to improve this application.