The University of Sheffield
Department of Computer Science

Jing Wan MSc Dissertation 2014/15

Automatic Recognition of Dialogue Act

Supervised by M.Hepple


Recently years, Dialogue manager has become very popular in human-computer applications or systems. The Dialogue manager is the basis for Intelligence interactive function. In 2015, there is a big public conference of the Baidu company which declaim their new intelligence interactive function product called DuMi. DuMi is a helpful tool for the convenient of people's life. About a year before, the Microsoft Bing team hasdeveloped an artificial intelligent chatting tool named Bing. All these new high technique products are based on the understanding bridge for human and computer software system. In my dissertation, I will present some recent study about the basis of Dialogue manager which is dialogue act classification using cue phrase. In my work, it is necessary to identify the type of dialogue acts of utterances using cue phrase consist of word n-grams. This approach did not using other third party tester to testing the accuracy of the cue phrase based classifier. It used a cross validation testing for 10 runs. The results for the experiment is really good, though the accuracy is surprisingly high.