The University of Sheffield
Department of Computer Science

Xibo Wang MSc Dissertation 2014/15

Sleep and Snoring App

Supervised by G.Brown


Snoring, the most common sign of Obstructive Sleep Apnea which is caused by obstruction in upper airway. Patients suffer from repetitve pauses in breathing even they try hard to breathe. Lots of people have not been diagnosed. The idea is to make an app as a prototpye that can record audio and show sound wave with heart rate and sleep data from fitness tracker to give users a better awareness of how is everything going during the night.

The project has used Fitbit Charge HR for collecting data, and selected iOS as the running environment. OAuth 2.0 authorization has been widely used for retricted resources access. The visualization of data is achieved by using Core Plot open source framework. The audio is recorded by using AV Foundation framework.

The app developed is able to record audio ad save sound levels locally, provide interface for Fitbit users to display any combinations of their data in a line plot.