The University of Sheffield
Department of Computer Science

Yan Zhang MSc Dissertation 2014/15

Visual Editor for IOPE Specifications

Supervised by A.Simons


With the growth of clients in cloud computing industry, cloud brokers, who work between clients and cloud providers for saving their time and providing them with resources, become more and more important in this area. As the requirements of clients and providers grow, the quality assurance on the services of clients is proved to be necessary, and the testing suite of Broker@Cloud quality assurance service is an outstanding example of testing service with its XML format service specification. The aim of this dissertation project is to create a visual editor for generating the IOPE protocol part of this XML specification. At the end of this project, this visual editor is implemented by java swing components and is proved to be available to generate the XML specification needed.

Keywords: Cloud computing, cloud broker, quality assurance, IOPE, service specification, XML, Java Swing