The University of Sheffield
Department of Computer Science

James Foster Undergraduate Dissertation 2014/15

Interactive Display with the Kinect

Supervised by J.Barker


This project aims to build an application which uses the Microsoft Kinect sensor as a form of input into a computer system running Windows 7+. It makes use of the Kinect's advanced camera and depth sensing abilites to track in real time the 3D gestures made by the user in front of a projected display, allowing them to interact with the contents of the display. The result is an application which is quicker and more intuitive to use than current interactive displays for the majority of users, and a more accessible solution than current hardware to users with mild disabilities.

This project is developed in the Visual Basic programming language using Microsoft's Aforge.NET library to assist in image processing. It achieved some gesture recognition and functionality for computer input such as swipe events and mouse events using only the body.