The University of Sheffield
Department of Computer Science

Lingxin Gu MSc Dissertation 2015/16

A Time Traveller's Map

Supervised by S.North


Numerous people are eage r to study historic maps and learn about histor ic m aps and learn about history. However, map resources are scattered in paper books and websites, which means people can spen d much time on collecting and finding valua ble historic map data. In order to address this issue, the project was to develop an application which load and transform historic maps.

The project uses the Swift programming language to develop an application of iOS system based on Apple Maps. The application can be loaded with various maps and related historic events. People can observe the transformation of historic maps by sliding a date slider or inputting a specific period and they can also click event annotation pins on maps to learn more about the event. Besides, this application provides support for managing event annotations and old map overlays and creating new maps by drawing, taking photos or photo library.