The University of Sheffield
Department of Computer Science

Qi Liu MSc Dissertation 2015/16

Testing Puzzles

Supervised by G.Fraser


Software testing is one of the most significant stages in software engineering because many methods will be used for testing to guarantee the quality of software. Mutation testing is a type of testing which is widely researched and applied. In addition, mutation testing can be taught by using gamification to make it more enjoyable and fruitful. This project aims to build the single player mode of an existing mutation testing game: Code Defenders. In the system built for this project, computer is an attacker who generates mutants for an original code; human players are defenders who “defend” the original code by writing test codes. This is done by building Major-Ant’s JUnit Tasks to compile and run test suites. Keywords: software testing, mutation testing, gamification, Major-Ant’s JUnit tasks, Code Defenders.