The University of Sheffield
Department of Computer Science

Yi Kim Undergraduate Dissertation 2015/16

Development of community web site for Sheffield studnets

Supervised by Y.Gotoh


The project aim is to make a website for communicating between students and Sheffield University, and to provide some place to share their information. Several skills are needed to make one great website. So the project decided to use these three theories; Computer programming languages, Web design, and information architecture. The information architecture theory will be used for arranging data which can be needed by students, and then it will help to make suitable navigations, organization, and labeling system. Also in case of web design, it will bring some styles which are related to font or color for making clear website. As the last case of computer programming languages, web script languages will help to make a frame of the website, and database system languages will help to interact between users and the website. As a result, the project will be a great website which is a representative community web site for Sheffield students