The University of Sheffield
Department of Computer Science

William Sutherland Undergraduate Dissertation 2015/16

Crossy Roadbot: A Computer Vision Robot to Play the Mobile Game Crossy Road

Supervised by J.Barker


The idea that intelligent action requires as much input from the body as the brain has resulted in the belief that in order to create an intelligent system there must be a physical element to it. The aim of this project is to encompass this idea, along with the idea of General Artificial Intelligence, to create a system that is the embodiment of a real perceptual intelligence problem. This will be explored through the creation of a robotic system to play the mobile game Crossy  Road, a reduction of the problem of creating a genuinely intelligent system whilst still retaining the key components. 

This report will cover the background to the project, exploring the idea of robots emulating intelligent actions. It will then break down the problem, analysing  it and finding the requirements for the system. Following this a design will be created, which will then be implemented and evaluated to see how well it performs.