The University of Sheffield
Department of Computer Science

Martin Cnobel Undergraduate Dissertation 2016/17

Automatic Correction of Second Language English

Supervised by M.Hepple


The report of 'Automatic Correction of Second Language English' will be investigating previous efforts made towards a text-processing approach, regarding word correction on grammatical errors made on text containing mistakes commonly made by non-native English-speakers, whilst translating from a foreign language into English. Many attempts have been made in the past, utilising domain (in)dependent methods in order to achieve this as accurately as possible. These will all be explored in detail, including how they work and how well they function. To date, there has not been a 'proven' working method, as the field is currently still under development; but possible future approaches and implementations shall be explored and attempted, with the hope of finding ways to utilise and ameliorate all current methods.