The University of Sheffield
Department of Computer Science

COM310 Cybersecurity in Action


This module aims to teach students about the key security features needed in today's computer systems, how these features can be attacked, and the ways to prevent such attacks. It covers security in a variety of settings, focusing on important topics that are usually taught in the first two years of Computer Science courses, but also looks at some unique aspects of security. 

We use a practical, hands-on approach to learning about security, similar to what's known as 'Capture the Flag' (CTF) exercises. 

The goal is to develop not only technically proficient but also ethically responsible professionals, who are aware of the consequences of their actions on individuals, organisations, and society at large, thereby preparing them to be conscientious and ethical leaders in the cybersecurity field. 

Session Autumn 2024/25
Credits 10
  • Formal examination 
Lecturer(s) Prof John Clark, Dr Olakunle Olayinka & Dr Prosanta Gope
  • To enable students to identify and analyse the risks posed by potential security threats to computer systems.
  • To enable students to identify and implement countermeasures to control such risks. 
  • To develop ethically responsible professionals, who are aware of the consequences of their actions on individuals, organisation, and society at large. 
Learning Outcomes  By the end of this course the students should be able to:
  • Clearly describe and explain the security properties that secure systems or components are expected to uphold in various contexts. 
  • Identify and describe potential threats to security properties, explain how such threats might be realised, assess the likelihood of such occurrence, and propose appropriate countermeasures. 
  • Demonstrate familiarity with key professional, ethical, legal, and social issues in cybersecurity. 
Restrictions  Optional modules within the department have limited capacity. We will always try to accommodate all students but cannot guarantee a place. 
Content This module will draw upon topics covered in first and second year teaching, looking at them from a security perspective. In addition, other common aspects of security systems will be highlighted with practical examples.
Teaching Method Lectures and labs/seminars 
Feedback During labs