The University of Sheffield
Department of Computer Science

COM3529 Software Testing and Analysis


This module introduces the problems and techniques of analysing and testing software systems. The module covers how to statically analyse software and how to dynamically test it. The module will teach different techniques and tools to thoroughly test software systems, and will teach how to automate testing tasks, including test generation. Finally, the module will cover techniques to measure and assess aspects of source code and software tests.

Session Spring 2024/25
Credits 10 credits
  • Formal examination
Lecturer(s) Prof. Phil McMinn & Dr José Miguel Rojas

The aims of this module are:

  • Introduce software testing and analysis methods
  • Develop skills in using software testing and analysis techniques on software systems
  • Develop skills around the automation of testing tasks
  • Develop the ability to evaluate the correctness and quality of software and tests
Learning Outcomes 

By the end of this unit, a candidate should be able to:

  • Apply systematic source code analysis techniques.
  • Apply systematic testing techniques.
  • Measure software and test metrics and evaluate them.
  • Automate software testing tasks, e.g. test case generation.
Restrictions Optional modules within the department have limited capacity. We will always try to accommodate all students but cannot guarantee a place. 
Teaching Method Lectures provide the basic technical material that students need to be able to understand. The problem solving classes and laboratory sessions provide the opportunity for students to experiment with tools and study problem sheets that will help prepare for the exam.
Feedback Through demonstrator/lecturer help in lab classes