The University of Sheffield
Department of Computer Science

COM3550 Undergraduate Ambassadors Scheme in Computer Science


This module provides an opportunity for students to gain first-hand experience of computer science secondary education through a mentoring scheme with a teacher in a local school. Typically, each student will work with one class for half a day every week, for 10 weeks. The classes will vary from key stage 3 to sixth form. Students will be given a range of responsibilities from classroom assistant to the organisation and teaching of self-originated special projects. Only a limited number of places are available and students will be selected on the basis of their commitment and suitability for working in schools.

Session Academic Year 2024/25.
Note that although the module runs over the whole academic year, the majority of the contact hours and assessment are in the Spring semester.
Credits 20
  • Portfolio Assessment
  • Presentation
Lecturer(s) TBC 

This unit aims to:

  • Develop students' confidence in their ability to act independently in the execution of complex and important tasks;
  • Develop the complex skills required to communicate difficult subjects in a variety of ways to pupils of widely varying abilities;
  • Learn the specific skills required to develop projects and teaching methods that convey computer science concepts in an engaging way, and are appropriate to the age group of pupils under tuition;
  • Provide a short, but direct, experience of teaching to those interested in pursuing it as a career.
Learning Outcomes

By the end of the unit, a candidate will have gained substantial experience of working in a challenging and unpredictable working environment. They will be able to assess and devise appropriate ways to communicate difficult concepts and will have gained a broad understanding of many of the key aspects of teaching in schools. They will also develop a better understanding of, and confidence in, their subject and their own abilities. They will either have acquired, or improved upon, abilities to:

  • Communicate effectively in general and with colleagues in particular;
  • Improvise;
  • Give and take feedback;
  • Organize, prioritize and negotiate;
  • Handle difficult and potentially disruptive situations;
  • Speak effectively to an audience;
  • Prepare lesson plans and teaching materials;
  • Identify and understand the educational needs of others.

Available only to students on programmes in the Department of Computer Science. 

Places on this module are limited. Students will be interviewed for a place on the module prior to the summer break. Successful students must then pass a DBS check (which will be conducted over the summer) before commencing the module.

Teaching Method

At the start of the Autumn semester, students will attend a one-day workshop (5 hours) on secondary school teaching led by a lecturer in the Division of Education.

Students will attend two observation sessions/tutorials (4 hours) in schools in the Autumn semester, with an opportunity to discuss with the class teacher about communication, lesson planning and handling difficult situations.

Tutorials with the module leader will take place in the university at regular intervals (6 hours). These will provide an opportunity to reflect on students' experience in the school, review the plan for special project, share good practice and identify any difficulties that have arisen. These tutorials will be held as a group. An additional one-to-one tutorial will be held during an on-site visit to the school by the module leader (1 hour). Where possible, this will be targeted at the middle of the Spring semester so that the student’s progress can be reviewed.

During work placements in schools in the Spring semester, students will work closely with a specific teacher who will help to develop the student’s role in the classroom.

Every student will undertake a special project. The project may be a novel method of presentation appropriate to the topic, a particular demonstration, or a pupil activity, and is likely to involve the preparation of specific materials by the student.

Feedback Students will receive written feedback on their special project, presentation and end-of-module report from the module leader. The school teacher will provide written feedback (and a mark moderated by the module leader) on the student’s achievements in the school, including the special project work. Feedback on the student's teaching observation notes will be provided in January.