The University of Sheffield
Department of Computer Science

Dissertation project: Student Performance

Throughout the year, your supervisor will be watching how you perform on the dissertation project. When he/she is marking your work, the categories below will be used to judge your performance.

You should use the categories below to influence your behaviour during your third year. Ask yourself if you are demonstrating these things to your supervisor. As an example, you could create a web site that gives a brief description of your project and maintians a weekly diary to show that you are putting in the required, continual effort on the project. As another example, you should be prepared for meetings with your supervisor - bring a list of ideas/questions/results to discuss.

1 Outstanding understanding, pointing out and explaining novel aspects not indicated by supervisor.
Attends all scheduled meetings; Shows enthusiasm and willingness to press on with work beyond what is expected; Devotes required time and demonstrates its productiveness. In addition, excellence of work demonstrates his or her effort has been directed in a novel and creative way.
Excellent grasp of all standard techniques Also, developed own novel techniques.
Able to work almost entirely on own, to seek out new aspects of project and to suggest novel techniques for their solution.

In the following two categories, the overall balance of the two sets of descriptions should be used to decide if the student is showing 1, 2i or 2ii performance.
2i/1 Range and depth of understanding is beyond that which is normally expected.
Attends all scheduled meetings; Shows enthusiasm and willingness to press on with work beyond what is expected; Devotes required time and demonstrates its productiveness.
Excellent grasp of all standard techniques.
Directed infrequently; Has been able to prescribe the best lines of approach to the project and has also been able to suggest the most appropriate standard techniques.
2ii/2i Satisfactorily understands parts and project as a whole.
Regular attendance; Frequently attempts more than is asked for; Has shown evidence that his or her time has been spent effectively.
Good grasp of all standard techniques associated with the project.
Needs direction occasionally; Has been able to suggest and undertake areas of investigation.
2ii Either: Satisfactorily understands most parts but lacks appreciation of the whole; Or: Appreciates project as a whole but does not understand some of the parts.
Regular attendance; Attempts exactly what is asked, but no more.
Good grasp of elementary techniques; Adequate grasp of standard.
Requires general direction on a fairly regular basis.

For the following category, the extent to which the description is satisfied will determine if a Pass or a 3 is chosen.
Pass/3 Does not understand the major part of the project, but understands remainder.
Erratic attendance; Attempts some work.
Adequately grasps elementary techniques, but has difficulty with standard techniques.
Regularly requires comprehensive instruction.
Fail Poor understanding, below what is to be expected.
Unsatisfactory attendance at weekly meetings; Seldom attempts work withour repeated prompting.
Level of competence is below what is expected.
Requires comprehensive instruction continuously.